A network for knowledge production
Composting Knowledge
Composting Knowledge is an ongoing experimental network for knowledge production, initiated by ruruHaus in Kassel.
Based on the idea of collectively cultivated compost, it brings together various organic materials and resources – such as knowledge, time, ideas, spaces, or funds – to be mixed, processed, and exchanged with the support of the participating organisms, generating beneficial soils to be spread in order to activate and grow local and interlocal projects as well as cooperations among the network.
Its participants are active in the creation of such actions through their own unique perspectives that embrace cooperative, non-hierarchical, neighborhood centered principles. Composting Knowledge aims to build a supporting system for these initiatives to cooperate in engaging and critical ways.
Currently the composting network reunites over twenty participants from Kassel, Tokyo, Sofia, Holualoa, Singapore, Beirut, Zurich, Toronto, Stockholm, and London, who are engaging with own capacity and pace in the spread, research and activation of the topics exchanged within the network by challenging their own practice, involving local communities and institutional partners.
The network is growing. Current members are:
- Färgfabriken, Stockholm
- Global Art Practice, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo
- ICA-Sofia, Sofia
- James Jack & Donkey Mill Art Center, Hawaii
- Myvillages, Rural School of Economics, London/Rotterdam/Berlin
- YCAR (York Center for Asian Research), Toronto
- Dorothee Richter, Ronald Kolb: OnCurating.org & Postgraduate Programme in Curating, ZHdK
- Entre Moléculas, Berlin, Bogotá, Quibdó, Zurich (Carmenza Rojas Potes aka Bambazú, Elizabeth Gallón Droste, Claudia Howald, knowbotiq, Ana Garzón Sabogal, and Pablo Torres)
- Sandra Schäfer, Joseph Rustom, and students, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich and Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts, Beirut

Composting Knowledge, Drawing by Daniella Fitria Praptono, 2021